Dr Dorin Popescu
List of publications
Quelques applications de la decomposition triangulaire,
Publ. Dept.
Math. Lyon 3-4 (1967), 63-68.
On the algebraic categories
with G.Georgescu), Rev Roum. Math.Pures et
Appl., 13(1968),337-342.
Les faisceaux d'une theorie,
C.R.Acad. Sc.Paris ,269(1969),380-382.
Sur les categories des (t,T)-faisceaux,
Deux extensions des ensembles preordonnees
(with N.Manolache), Rev.Roum.
Math.Pures et Appl.,15(1970),569-572.
Some remarks on complete cogenerated categories,
Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl.,15(1970), 1027-1033.
Monoconuri proiective si epiconuri inductive
(in Romanian),
Std. Cerc.
Mat., 22 (1970), 641-647.
8. Categories de faisceaux,
J. of Alg.,18(1971),343-365.
9. Les faisceaux d'une classe des morphismes,
C.R. Acad.Sc.Paris, 272(1971),
Cofaisceaux d'une categorie,
C.R. Acad.Sc.Paris, 272(1971),299-302.
A strong approximation theorem over discrete valuation rings,
Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 20(1975), 659-692.
Die strenge Approximationseigenschaft lokaler Ringe
(with G.Pfister),
Inventiones Math.
Some algorithmic methods in the theory of local complete rings,
Bull.Math. de la Soc. Math. de la Roumaine,22(70)no.1(1978),61-69.
Algebraically pure morphisms,
Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl.,24(1979),
15. Die Approximation von Primidealen
(with G.Pfister),
Bull. de l'Acad.
Polonaise Sci.,27(1979), 771-778.
16. A remark on two-dimensional local rings with the property of
Math.Z.,173(1980), 235-240.
17. Approximation properties and existential completeness for ring
(with S.Basarab, V.Nica),
Manuscripta Math. 33(1981), 227-282.
18. On three dimensional local rings with the property of approximation
(with G.Pfister),
Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl., 26(1981),301-307.
19. Some extensions of Neron's p-desingularization and approximation
(with M.Cipu),
Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl.,26(1981),1299-1304.
20. Global form of Neron's p-desingularization and approximation,
"Week of Algebraic Geometry",
Bucharest,June 30-July 6(1980), Teubner Texte
Band 40,Leipzig 1981.
21. On Zariski's Uniformization Theorem,
in Algebraic Geometry, Bucharest 1982,
Proceedings, Springer Lect.Notes in Math., 1056, Berlin,1984.
22. Ultraproducts and big Cohen-Macaulay modules
(with C.Mateescu),
Std. Cerc.
Mat.,36(1984), 424-428.
23. A desingularization theorem of Neron type
(with M.Cipu),
Ann.Univ. Ferrara,
30(1984), 63-76.
24. General Neron desingularization,
Nagoya Math. J.,100(1985), 97-126.
25. A structure theorem on formally smooth morphisms in positive
(with V.Nica),
J. of Alg.,100(1986), 436-455.
26. Some structure theorems for valuation rings,
Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.
31(1986), 577-582.
27. General Neron desingularization and Approximation
Nagoya Math. J., 104
(1986), 85-115.
28. Artin approximation theory and applications,
Analele St. ale Univ. Iasi,
31(1985 supliment),11-14.
29. A certain desingularization Theorem
(with M.Cipu),
Analele St. ale Univ.
Iasi, 31(1985 supliment),20-22.
30. Ultraproducts and Hochster's modifications
(with C.Mateescu),
Analele St. ale Univ.
Iasi, 31(1985 supliment),26-27.
31. On the structure of formally smooth morphisms
(with V.Nica),
Analele St. ale Univ.
Iasi, 31(1985 supliment),33-34.
32. Algebraic extensions of valued fields,
J.of Alg., 108(1987), 513-533.
33. Algebrization of deformations of exceptional couples
(with M.Roczen),
Rev. Roum.Math. Pure et Appl.,33(1988),251-260.
34. Polynomial rings and their projective modules,
Nagoya Math. J.,113(1989)
35. Flatness in non-Noetherian ring theory,
Rev.Roum.Math.Pures et Appl.,34(1989), 839-854.
36. Immediate extensions of filtered rings
(with W.Morariu),
Annali di Ferrara,
37. Indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay modules and
the Brauer-Thrall Conjectures,
Proceedings of the Algebra Conference 9-10
June 1988, Brasov.
38. Indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay
modules and irreducible maps
(with M.Roczen),
Compositio Math. 76(1990), 277-294.
39. Letter to the Editor,
General Neron desingularization and approximation,
Nagoya Math. J.,118(1990),45-53.
40. Indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay modules and their
multiplicities, Trans., AMS., 323 (1991), 369-387.
41. The second Brauer-Thrall conjecture
(with M.Roczen),
Manuscripta Math.
71 (1991), 375-383.
42. Liftings of finite injective dimension modules,
Analele Univ.Bucuresti,
XL(1991), 65-75.
43. Indecomposable generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules
(with M.Cipu, J.Herzog),
Trans AMS ,342(1994),107-136.
44. Relative liftings ,
J. of pure and Appl Alg., 108,n 3(1996).
45. Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over isolated singularities,
J of Alg.,
178(1995), 710-732.
46. Deformations of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules
(with G.Pfister),
47. Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and their deformations,
Analele Stiintifice
Constanta, v II(1994), 112-119.
48. Thom-Sebastiani problems for maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules
(with J.Herzog),
Math.Ann., 309(1997),677-700.
49. Infinitesimal module deformations in the Thom-Sebastiani
problem, (with F. Enescu and G.Pfister),
Archiv der Math. 69, 1997,196-208.
50. Hibert functions and generic forms
(with J.Herzog),
Compositio Math. 113 (1998),1-22.
51. Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over singularities of type
(with B.Martin and G.Pfister),
Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.,42,
no 7-8 (1997), 591-619.
52. Special Cohen-Macaulay modules over singularities of type
Analele Stiintifice Constanta,5 (2) (1997),112-119.
53. A family of Cohen-Macaulay modules over singularities of type
$X^t+Y^3$, (with G.Pfister),
Commun. in Alg., 27(6)(1999), 2555-2572.
54. Variations on Green Theorem concerning the Hilbert functions,
in: ``Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry'' editor F.Van Oystaeyen,
Dekker Lect. Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 206(1999), 237-244.
55. Steps in the classification of Cohen-Macaulay modules over
singularities of type $X^t+Y^3$
(with V. Ene),
Algebras and Representation
Theory,vol 2, no 2 (1999), 137-175.
56. Free resolutions for deformations of maximal Cohen-Macaulay
(with L. O'Carroll),
Commun. in Alg., 28(11) (2000), 5329-5352.
57. On a Theorem of Knorrer concerning Cohen-Macaulay modules,
(with L. O'Carroll),
J. of Pure and Appl. Alg., (2000)
58. Betti numbers for $p$-stable ideals
(with V.Ene and G.Pfister),
Commun. in Alg., 28(3),(2000), 1515-1531.
59. Combinatorics in Algebra and Geometry,
Italian Journal of Pure
and Appl Math., no 7(2000), 27-32.
60. Variations on Neron desingularization,
Preprint Edinburgh, 1999,
to appear in Proceed. in the Honour of H.Kurke.
61. Splitting syzygies
(with L. O'Carroll),
J. of Alg. 228(2000),682-709.
62. On the regularity of p-Borel ideals
(with J.Herzog),
Preprint 1999,
to appear in Proceedings of AMS.
63. Betti numbers and the regularity of $p$-Borel ideals,
Bul. St. Univ. Pitesti, Ser. Mat.Inf., 5(2000),1-7.
64. Grobner basis and regularity of Rees algebras
(with J.Herzog and N.V.Trung),
IMAR Prepr. 10/2000, Bucharest.
65. Explicit linear minimal free resolutions over a natural class of
Rees algebras
(with J.Herzog and L. O'Carroll),
Prepr. 2000, Edinburgh.
66. Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over $Y_1^3+\ldots+Y_n^3$ with few
(with R.Laza and L.O'Carroll),
IMAR Prepr. 13/2000, Bucharest, to appear in
Mathematical Reports (3) 2001.
67. Cohen-Macaulay representation,
to appear in Euroconference Rings,
and Representations, Constanta 2000.
Monographs and textbooks
Die Approximationseigenschaft lokaler Ringe
(with H. Kurke,
T. Mostowski, G.Pfister, M.Roczen),
Lect. Notes
in Math. 634(1978), Springer ,Berlin.
Henselian rings and Artin approximation
(in Romanian),(with
V.Nica), Univ Bucharest Press ,1979.
Elements of finite group theory
(in Romanian),(with C.Vraciu) Ed.
Enciclopedica, Bucharest, 1986.
Artin approximation,
Handbook of Algebra,
vol. 2, Ed. M.Hazewinkel,
2000 Elsevier Science, 321-356.
Artin Approximation,
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics,
Suplement II,
Ed. M. Hazewinkel, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 30-32.
Cohen-Macaulay rings
(in Romanian), in
Seminar on Cohen-Macaulay
rings and modules,
Ed. M. Stefanescu, Tip. Univ. of Iasi, 1986, Cap.IV.
Cohen-Macaulay modules and homological conjectures (in
Romanian), in
Actual problems of mathematical research
, Tip.
Univ. of Bucharest, 1992, 101-113.
Bounds for Betti numbers,
Combinatorics in Algebra and
Sem. Ser. in Math. Algebra: 2, Tip. Univ. Ovidius of Constanta,
1998, 65-70.
F-rational and strong F-rational rings,
Ed. N.
Radu, Tip. Univ. Ovidius of Constanta, 2000.